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Robert A. Lucci

As newly elected Mayor of Westover, it’s my pleasure to welcome you to The City on the Rise. For more than 100 years, Westover has been an important part of what is now known as the Morgantown Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). What has made, and continues to make, Westover so attractive is its proximity to everything the area has to offer. From business services, to shopping, to world-class entertainment, to interstate highways, we have it all.


This site is meant to provide information on Westover’s elected officials and material to become an educated and engaged resident. If you need anything or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at (304) 296-6860 or send an email to


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City Council

The leadership provided by Westover's City Council is critical to our success. The Council is comprised of three at-large city council members and three additional members representing our three wards. Our current city council members are listed below. Click on a member's name to learn more about them.

City Council Meetings

City Council meets the first and third Monday of every month in the City Hall Building located at 500 Dupont Road, Westover, WV 26501. The public is not only welcome but encouraged to attend our meetings. Citizen participation is what makes our community successful. It is important to note; however, that Council is permitted by WV law to move to a closed executive session for the purpose of discussing specific issues.

Get our council agendas and minutes!

City of Westover council agendas and minutes are available via the following Dropbox file sharing app...

Additionally, the Planning Committee meets monthly.


The Mayor of Westover or four or more City Council members may call special meetings with forty-eight hours notice.

Westover City Codes and Ordinances are available here.


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